Let's Play La-Mulana

posted by ならむら



ここに書く話じゃないのかもしれませんが、LA-MULANAを作って、評価を聞くまでは実感しましたが、人が遊んでいる所ってのはなかなか見る事はないです。ところがYoutubeのおかげでこれも実感出来ました。LA-MULANAは有志のおかげで英語版が出まして、海外の方じゃ今がお楽しみ絶頂期みたいです。Youtubeで"LA-MULANA"と検索すると、LA-MULANAの通しプレイを公開し続けている人が数人います。すごいパワーですな。中でも楽しいのがタイトルに書いたLet's Play La-Mulanaシリーズ。遊んでいる人のナレーション付です。一人でやっているだろうに、テンションたけぇっす。
「Wow,SNATCHER!!!She is crazy!!」と叫んだり、エラーで止まった後にため息&舌打ちコンボしてます。


Blogger Pauli Kohberger said...  At May 4, 2007 at 6:18 AM

If you're interested, here's the original thread on Something Awful that contains the Let's Play video segments. (I post in the thread too...I made some artwork of La-Mulana, actually! If you come across it, I hope you like it. But if you would like for me to post it here, I'll do that too.)

We are all big fans of the game, and especially the soundtrack. Mukimuki Memorial was very funny, too--everyone was surprised by the "SNATCHERS!!"

Anonymous Anonymous said...  At May 4, 2007 at 7:00 AM

I'd just like to thank you guys for making La-Mulana. It's an awesome game. I really enjoy it (as you've probably noticed), and I'm definitely looking forward to your next works.

Although I complain about the difficulty during the video, I am glad that you made it that way. I would prefer that a game be challenging and long than short and easy.

Also, you did an amazing job with the music. I'm just sorry AQUA WISH didn't make it into the game as a background music. I heard a lot of the prototype music using the Jukebox, and I'd say you guys are up there with Capcom and Konami when it comes to music.

So, I really like your game. Thank you, and please keep making them!

Oh, and I hope you enjoy the Let's Play.

Blogger ならむら said...  At May 7, 2007 at 4:48 PM

I am happily looking at the playing movies.
I am loved my work like this and am happy.
The scene at which it feels bitter because you raise the voice is a place where we will exactly surprise and made you.
The user in Japan is looking at youtube well. Your play might be seen, and there be a person who plays "LA-MULANA" again.
Will all idle man be MSX users in foreign countries as for "LA-MULANA"?

Anonymous Anonymous said...  At May 8, 2007 at 6:05 AM

Hey, I just wanted to apologize if I said anything that made you angry or annoyed.

I realize that I got a little upset at La-Mulana a couple times while playing it, and may have said some hurtful things, maybe about you, maybe about the MSX, maybe about other stuff.
I must confess that I didn't expect that many people would watch the Let's Play, and never expected many people outside the U.S. would watch it.

I apologize for making jokes or unfair remarks about the MSX, you game developers, foreign countries, or anything else. I did not mean to offend anyone.
I also apologize for my difficulty in understanding you. I hope you realize I didn't mean any harm, and just wanted to show people your game so that they could enjoy it.

Blogger Samieru said...  At May 12, 2007 at 10:49 PM

Hi, DeceasedCrab.
I'm Samieru.

NARAMURA has been working hard for "Death Village" and our new site.
It's coming very soon.

But Death Village is the trial version.
To tell the truth, the trial version existed also in La-mulana. It was in 2002.
The trial version of La-mulana only had the first stage. No shops, No Jungles, No waters.
The trial version of Death Village only has NORMAL GAME. Moreover, it is not complete.
The complete version will have the most important function of this project. But it still takes time.
Please look forward.

Do you like AQUA WISH?
AQUA WISH was for the first water area. This is a NRAMURA's music.

But In the last stage of sure development. NARAMURA said "Unmmmm.... I don't like it. It doesn't have melodies".

And, the new song was made.
Curse of Iron pipe. It's my tune.
It has the same part as theme of ASHGUINE. Fish men have a iron pipe on their body. It is same as ASHGUINE. They are jokes.

Well, I got a message from NARAMURA to DeceasedCrab.

"Don't worry. We enjoyed your video very much. It had a hearty laugh because of your reaction caught to the trap. Your reaction was the same as our expectation. It was a significant thing for us.

And... Thank you for playing our game! "

Oh, I have to go back to my work.

See you!

Blogger zanac said...  At May 24, 2007 at 3:20 AM


I am a MSX user since 1986 and I think La Mulana has the pure esence of MSX games. It is like a Konami game but better. I hope someday I can play La Mulana on a cartridge in my MSX.

Thank you for this incredible game!



Blogger zanac said...  At May 24, 2007 at 3:20 AM


I am a MSX user since 1986 and I think La Mulana has the pure esence of MSX games. It is like a Konami game but better. I hope someday I can play La Mulana on a cartridge in my MSX.

Thank you for this incredible game!




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